Mumbai-Shanghai Sister Cities Agreement: Challenges and Opportunities

In light of our government's new understanding of the role that the sister cities relationship can play in envisioning urban projects in India, Gateway House's Mumbai History Fellow, Sifra Lentin, has readied a special report on the role and understanding of sister cities.

BY Sifra Lentin
Bombay History Fellow

Sister Cities Cover

In this report, “Mumbai-Shanghai Sister Cities Agreement: Challenges & Opportunities”, Sifra Lentin, Mumbai History Fellow, Gateway House looks at Shanghai and Mumbai, the two major metropoles of Asia. She discusses the scope of the relationship, highlights the issues and puts forth key recommendations to strengthen it to mutual benefit. These recommendations draw on three very workable templates which demonstrate not just the flexibility of Sister City Agreements in general, but how bilateral para-diplomacy at the city level can be tailor-made to meet the goals of each sister city. Executive SummaryKey Findings:

Key Recommendations:

You can download the PDF version of this report, here.

Sifra Lentin is the Mumbai History Fellow at Gateway House.

This report was exclusively written for Gateway House: Indian Council on Global Relations. You can read exclusive content here.

For interview requests with the author, or for permission to republish, please contact

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[1] The official title is “Agreement on the Establishment of Sister City Relations between Mumbai, Republic of India and Shanghai, People’s Republic of China” (18 September 2014)

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