UK Foundation Programme Timeline: A Full Breakdown

Staying on top of all the important dates attached to your Foundation Programme (FP) application can seem like a daunting task, especially when there's so much information to take in and remain aware of.

With all the different application types out there, it can also be difficult to know what’s important for you specifically. To remove the stress and make this process easier for you, we've put together a helpful summary and full breakdown of the FP application timeline.

1️⃣ Foundation Programme Application Timeline

These are the key dates to note for the standard-entry FP application (Primary List), but most will also apply to the other programmes. You’ll find additional key dates for the Specialised Foundation Programme (SFP) application below this.

01/09/2021 | Oriel Registration

Use the nomination email from your Medical School to register on Oriel.

Things to note:

You must use the email address your Medical School nominated you with.

Make a list of your educational achievements to upload – You can find a list of qualifying achievements in the UKFP Handbook 2022.

Think about which Foundation School you’d like to train at – Familiarise yourself with our articles on this. We have lots of useful guides in our Foundation Programme Resource Library.

08 - 22/09/21 | National Application Period (Completing Your Form)

Here you’ll complete the FP application form. This consists of 11 sections and includes your Foundation School preferences, evidence of educational achievements, and competencies. Specialised Foundation Programme applicants will also need to complete additional sections and provide answers to the ‘white space' questions.

29/09/21 - 03/10/21 | SJT Registration

The booking window will only open for those with approved reasonable adjustments. For everyone else, the window will be open between 04 - 07/10/21.

It's important to note that all slots operate on a first-come basis. Whilst there are enough slots for all applicants, we’d strongly encourage you to apply early to get your preferred location, date, and timing.

11/10/21 | Verified Education Achievements and Total EPM Released on to Oriel

The appeal window will be open from this date until 11/11/21. You can find information on the stages of appealing results on the UKFPO Appeals FAQ webpage.

06/12/21 - 22/01/22 | SJT Test Windows

Window 1 will occur between 06 - 18/12/21, and Window 2 will occur between 12 - 22/01/22.

17/02/22 | Deadline for FP Preference Amendments

You can change the ranking of your preferences up until this point. Linked applicants should note that changing the order of preference will break their link, even if the final order is the same.

10/03/22 | Primary List Allocation Results

You'll be informed which Foundation School you've been matched with, and your total FPAS Score (SJT + EPM + EA) will be visible on Oriel.

10 - 31/03/22 | Group and Programme Preferencing Window

Here begins the process of ranking the programmes, which are essentially a list of hospitals with a pre-selected choice of rotations that the Foundation School offers. Depending on the school, this will be done either through a one or two-stage process.

One-stage process (10 - 31/03/22) – Simply rank the programmes in order of preference.

Two-stage process – First you'd rank a list of ‘groups’ which is a cluster of programmes based on themes such as location (10-16/03/22). Once matched to a group (21/03/22), you would then rank the programmes in that group (21-31/03/22).

07/04/22 | Primary List Programme Match Results

At this stage, you’ll now see the hospitals you’ll be based at and the rotations you'll be attached to for the next two years.

2️⃣ SFP Specific Key Dates

23/09/21 | SFP and FPP Selection Processes

SFP (academic) and FPP (Foundation Priority Programme) applicants will hear back from individual deaneries (e.g. long-listing, short-listing, and interviews). Please check deadlines for programme preferencing with the local Specialised Units of Applications (SUoA).

06/01/2022 | Deadline for SFP Preference Amendments

This date will vary for each SUoA, and some could be earlier. You should check locally with each SUoA to avoid disappointment.

12 - 14/01/2022 | Initial Offers for SFPs Released

Successful applications for academic/research, medical education, teaching, and leadership and management will receive offers. Please note that all offers must be accepted or declined by the stated deadline, and that you'll only have 48 hours to respond to these.

19/01/22 - 04/02/22 | SFP Offers Cascade

There will be three rounds of offers based on the three cascades taking place. The dates for these are:

First – 19 - 21/01/22

Second – 26 - 28/01/22

Third – 02 - 04/02/22

Foundation schools offer any unfilled places to the next highest scoring applicant on their reserve list. This means that if you were unsuccessful in getting your first choice SFP, and received an offer elsewhere, you could still possibly get your first choice by declining this and waiting for the second round.

However, this is a risky approach which could lead to you having no offers. Please read the guidance on the UKFP handbook. You should also note that all offers must be accepted or declined by the stated deadline, and that you'll only have 48 hours to respond to these.

07 - 09/02/22 | SFP Final Offers

At this stage, applicants who didn't receive an initial offer may be contacted offline with an offer.

3️⃣ Unusual Situations

22/09/21 | Pre-Allocation and SJT Reasonable Adjustment Deadlines

If you're applying to FPAS via the pre-allocation route, on the grounds of personal circumstances (previously special circumstances), you must submit this on Oriel at this point. The guidance is that no late applications will be considered after this date.

25/10/21 | Pre-Allocation Application Outcome Released to Applicants

The appeal window will be open from this date until 11/11/21. You can find information on the stages of appealing results on the UKFPO Appeals FAQ webpage.

17/02/22 | Low Scoring SJT Reviews

If you've scored below a certain threshold, you'll be invited to attend a virtual review of the outcome. Here you'd be asked a series of situational judgement questions, and should the review be successful then your application will remain in the application process.

Those who are unsuccessful, or choose not to attend the review, will have their applications withdrawn. You can find more information regarding this in the UKFP Handbook, and further information will be released prior to the first sitting of the SJT.

The date of these will take place on 24/02/22 with results being released on 28/02/22.

4️⃣ Next Steps

Supporting Trainees Entering Practice (STEP) – You'll complete a form to share information regarding reasonable adjustments, so appropriate measures can be taken by the foundation school to support you (from 07/04/22).

Reserve List Batch Allocations – The highest scoring applicants on the reserve list will be allocated to vacancies (date to be determined).

GMC Registration – This is a separate process, and it's recommended by UKFPO that you aim to apply by May 2022 to ensure you're registered prior to employment checks.

Pre-Employment Checks – Your employers will also give you more information on your salary and rota at this time (May - August, Foundation School-dependent).

UKFP Commensal – You'll attend an introduction and shadow the current F1 doctors prior to your start date. You can expect this to occur somewhere towards the end of July.

5️⃣ Foundation Priority and Psychiatry Foundation Fellowship Programmes

There's a lot to know about these, and whilst there is some overlap with the primary list, the overall selection process and deadlines differ too much to include in this guide. We recommend reading the UKFP Handbook 2022 and reading the relevant pages on their website, which can be found here:

6️⃣ Eligibility Applicants

Applicants applying from outside of the UK, or those qualifying from the UK prior to 03/08/20, will need to submit an eligibility application. There are quite a few extra steps involved here, so we strongly advise applicants considering this to read the guidance for ‘Eligibility Applications’ found on the UKFPO webpage.

This article is part of a wider series, supporting doctors by helping you choose the best foundation school for you and to have the best experience possible. Click here to visit our Foundation Programme Resources Centre to explore the full list of guides and articles.