Q: How do I write the significance of the study and the problem statement for my topic?

So, the significance of the study has to talk about the potential relevance or importance of your study to the topic. In your case, you will need to talk about why it’s important to study these challenges, for instance, both to help radiographers operate better and to diagnose older patients better (who may be a challenging demographic to examine for various reasons). You may list and describe key challenges and how your study may uncover insights or even solutions to help address these challenges.

Note that ‘significance of the study’ is different from the ‘significance of the findings.’ The latter is more detailed as it is based on your methods and comes in the Discussion section; the former comes in the Introduction section after you have provided the background to the study.

The problem statement, very briefly, has to cover three aspects: the existing situation regarding the problem (you could provide relevant statistics as needed), the desired or ideal situation regarding the problem (benefits to both radiographers and geriatric patients), and how your study will provide answers or solutions to help attain this ideal state (such as how to conduct examinations faster or how to communicate better before the exam in order to reduce their stress). The problem statement too comes in the Introduction section.

For the points discussed above, you may refer to the following resources:

For more information, you may search the site using the relevant keywords.

Hope that helps. All the best for your study!

Answered by Irfan Syed on 12 Jun, 2020