Femtocell Report

Table of Contents Abstract . i 1 Introduction . 1 2 Way to femtocells . 3 2.1 Challenges . 4 2.2 UMTS architecture overview . 5 2.3 Different infrastructure options. . 6 2.4 Current devices and deployments. . 8 2.5 Chapter summary . 9 3 The 3G Home NodeB . 10 3.1 Status of standardization . 10 3.2 Architecture . 12 3.2.1 New network elements . 12 3.2.2 Functionality . 14 3.3 Deployment configurations . 15 3.3.1 Access policies . 15 3.3.2 Dedicated or co-channel . 16 3.3.3 Transmit power configuration . 17 3.4 Operation and requirements . 18 3.4.1 Installation and management . 18 3.4.2 Backhaul and local IP access . 19 3.4.3 Requirements for the handsets . 20 3.4.4 Security and charging . 20 3.4.5 Requirements for the transmitter and the receiver . 21 3.4.6 Mobility and handovers . 22 4 Co-operation with Macro Layer . 24 4.1 Interference . 24 4.1.1 Interference in WCDMA UMTS . 25 4.1.2 Macro NodeB Downlink interference to FUE RX . 26 4.1.3 Femto UE Interference to Macro NodeB Uplink . 26 4.1.4 Macrocell Uplink interference to femtocell RX . 27 4.1.5 Femtocell Downlink interference to MUE RX . 27 4.2 Mobility . 28 4.3 Chapter summary . 31 5 Network performance . 32

5.1 Radio propagation theory . 32 5.2 Cell size impact to the performance . 33 5.3 Performance indicators . 35 7 Conclusions . 70 7.1 Progress of the thesis . 70 7.2 Key findings . 70 References . 72

1 Introduction Capacity demands of modern mobile telecommunication networks are increasing year by year. People all over the world are using not only more voice call services but also a

amount of data services with their cell phones. Many of these services, including Web surfing, downloading emails, video streaming and video calls require high speed generate large amounts of data traffic to the network. The customer

expectations are rising

and soon the mobile terminals will have to achieve the same bitrates as the current fixed internet connections. Coverage has always been an important issue in mobile telecom networks. It has traditionally been a problem in rural areas due to the long distance between base stations and in indoor and underground locations due to the wall attenuations. The vendors have to constantly come up with solutions to make the best of the limited radio resources: space and spectrum. Smaller cell sizes such as microcells and nanocells have

used to gain more capacity in urban hotspots like shopping centers and office buildings. Microcells and nanocells as well as distributed antenna systems (DAS) have also been used to improve coverage inside buildings, basements and subway tunnels. These

effective but also expensive. They generate capital expenditure in planning, building the sites, equipment costs and expensive backhaul connections. Also operational expenditures are substantial due to equipment room rents, leased backhaul connections and increased electricity bills. Femtocells offer a different approach to these problems. Femto is a factor denoting one thousandth of nano. Femtocells are very small, low cost base stations and their maximum allowed transmit power level is low. Femtocells are even smaller than nanocells but the biggest difference is not the size of the cell. The devices are integrated to small plastic

wall mount cases and are installed to the customers’ premises by the customers themselves. The customers’ existing internet connections are used as backhaul connections and the devices are powered from the customers’ electricity sockets.

As the femtocells are installed indoors they will certainly help in achieving better indoor coverage at least in their close proximity. People living in rural areas can use them in to gain better coverage. Femtocells will also give some additional network capacity due to the small cell size and reduce the load of the macrocells. On the other hand they will also use the same radio resources as macrocells and interfere the macro layer as any other base

stations. There are

also numerous other challenges in implementing an efficient solution and many of them are presented in this thesis. The key question of the thesis is “What will be the effect on the total network performance when using femtocells together with the current network elements ?” The mobile operators like any other private companies are always interested in increasing their profits. Increasing the total network capacity by deploying femtocells will save in

macrocell investments. Users that have installed a femtocell are unlikely to change their subscription to the competitor if they are satisfied with the service. Operators will probably also offer special femtocell billing schemes which will furthermore help in

customers. Deploying femtocells, on the other hand, is not free of charge either. Even though the devices are relatively low-cost the operators will have to spend large amounts of money on marketing and device distribution. In addition, many users will need helpdesk phone lines or some other means of support in installing the device. In this thesis we will first give the reader an overview to the femtocell concept in Chapter 2. The current standardization is presented in Chapter 3 with a description of the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Home NodeB architecture and requirements. Cooperation with the macro layer is studied by presenting different interference scenarios and evaluating the terminal mobility between the femtocells and macrocells in Chapter 4. The total network performance and throughput are discussed in a theoretical study in Chapter 5. To provide more detailed results a case study simulation with a radio network planning tool is performed in a real mobile network with and without femtocells deployed. The simulation setup and workflow is first described in Chapter 6 and the simulation results are evaluated in Chapter 7. Chapter 8 concludes the thesis with the most important results.

2 Way to femtocells Growing capacity and coverage demands are driving operators to use smaller and smaller cell sizes to offer better service to higher number of users. Large portions of the phone calls people make and especially the high data rate services they use, are used at home or in the office. The continuous development in manufacturing electronics and especially integrated circuits has made it possible to include enough processing power and functionality to a low-cost consumer device to make it operate as a cellular network base station. Many of the parts needed in a femtocell are already included in a normal 3G mobile phone. There have been similar services as the femtocell service already in the market for some time now. For instance Finnish telecom operator Saunalahti is providing the so-called

(Unlicensed Mobile Access) service through their customers’ Wi-Fi access points and through their own Wi-Fi access network in central Helsinki. This solution, even though looking like a femtocell network, is not one because it needs both the Wi-Fi hardware and client software in the phone to get connected to the network and to handle the calls and choose between the macro layer and the Wi-Fi access points. The Femto Forum, a non-profit membership organization focused on standardization and promotion of the femtocell solutions, defines femtocells [73] to be low-powered wireless access points that: • Operate in licensed spectrum and are controlled by the operator. • Can be connected with existing handsets • Use residential DSL or cable connection for backhaul In this chapter we discuss the challenges in implementing femtocell service. Then we briefly introduce the elements of the 3G UMTS network so that we can understand the meaning of the new network elements and functionality that have to be added to the network in order to provide femtocell service. After that, we discuss three different network 3

topology options for integrating femtocells to the current 3G network. Lastly in Section 2.4 some of the current implementations are presented. The chapter will end with a chapter summary in Section 2.5.

2.1 Challenges In order to keep the expenses low femtocells should require very little for installation and setup. This means that the devices should be auto-configuring so that the user only needs to plug in the cables for the internet connection and electricity and everything else would be taken care of automatically. The fact that the user does the installation raises some other issues. The femtocell will have to negotiate with the network to setup all necessary parameters and to find out its neighbors. The exact location of the femtocell can never be known in beforehand and the user might even change its location occasionally. This makes it impossible for radio network planners to exactly plan the layout of the network. The device has to adapt to the surrounding radio environment and possibly share the same bandwidth with other femto- and macrocells. The environment changes constantly if the femtocell density is high and new femtocells are deployed and removed all the time. Even opening doors can change the environment so that the power levels need to be temporarily adjusted. Adding femtocells will cause dead-zones in the macro layer coverage if they operate on the same band. This will especially be a problem if the use of the femtocell is limited to a

Subscriber Group (CSG) and only some of the users near the femtocell can access the network using it. This issue will be examined more thoroughly in Chapter 4. Because the femtocells operate in a licensed spectrum, the scarce location of the device needs to be verified and the femtocell needs to be authenticated to ensure that it’s operating according to the regulations and that the device is authorized to join the network. Location information is also important to provide tracking for emergency services.

Location can be verified for instance with GPS positioning and SIM card authentication

creating a more complex and expensive device. Furthermore, acquiring a GPS position indoors is a problem. The backhaul connection over packet switched IP is Best Effort-type. The Service Providers network or any link in the connection to the telecom operators’ network could be congested or even broken. There are no guaranteed maximum levels for delay and jitter. This might require a more flexible interface between the femtocell and the core than in the case of a macrocell base station. Scalability will also cause challenges. When femtocells are deployed in a large scale the overall number of base stations in the networks might hundred fold. The network must be able to somehow manage this. Also the number of handovers will increase substantially. Current radio network controllers (RNCs) and interfaces aren’t originally designed to manage this. Despite all of the challenges above, femtocells still need to provide all the same as well as better voice and data services as the macro layer network and even with higher bitrates and Quality of Service (QoS).

In addition, handovers to other cells need to be managed

the number of users per cell is smaller, current femtocell solutions support approximately 4 to 8 users.

2.2 UMTS architecture overview The aim of this section is to give the reader a short introduction to the basic UMTS architectural elements and the interfaces between them. In UMTS system the main components are: the User Equipment (UE), the Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (UTRAN) and the Core Network (CN). This thesis focuses mainly on UE, UTRAN and changes in connecting to CN. UE is the user terminal. It may contain a lot of features, including radio terminals for several radio access technologies (RAT). When UTRAN is used for radio access the UE connects to the base stations known as NodeBs. NodeBs are in charge of the physical radio

interface and two low level interfaces: Uu towars the user over the radio link, and Iu-b towards the radio network controller (RNC). RNC is charge of the radio network and its resources on a higher level. RNCs connect to the Mobile Switching Center (MSC) and Serving GPRS support node (SGSN) in the core network. Interfaces Iu-CS and Iu-PS are used for circuit switched and packet switched connections, respectively. The operators CN is connected to the Internet for data services and to the Public Switched Telephone Network for calls outside the operators own network. The essential UMTS elements are presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1. UMTS basic architecture

2.3 Different infrastructure options. In this section we will discuss three different possible ways to integrate femtocells to the current UMTS networks. The first way is to change as little as possible and to use the existing standard CS and PS interfaces tunneled over the internet to connect the femtocell and the RNC. This is called the Iu-b over IP. This saves expenses due to the less extra hardware is needed on the

operator side. Handovers are also possible between femtocells and macrocells, just like between the current macro NodeBs. There are challenges in using the current macro network interfaces over a Best Effort consumer grade internet connection. The existing Iu-b interface is not designed to work over an unspecified connection. There are also problems if we want to reduce traffic in the core network and route some of the user’s data, e.g. packets to the user’s local area network, without circulating it through the operator’s network. If the Iu-b interface is used, as such, all the data is the routed via the operators core network. The

SubSystem/Session Initiation Protocol ( IMS/SIP) interface. The IMS interface is used to convert the user traffic to packet switched Voice Over IP (VoIP) traffic. Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is used in the VoIP call initiation. This solution is very scalable because the femtocell doesn’t have to be managed like a real NodeB. The load of the CS core network is reduced, because all the femtocell bound traffic is only on the IMS core. The VoIP call is already designed to be transmitted over a packet switched connection. This doesn’t remove all the jitter and delay requirements of the

connection but makes things easier. The IMS approach will require a lot of functionality in the femtocell device itself, if support for existing handsets is provided. The PS VoIP calls must be converted to CS calls for existing handsets and a new solution called Voice Call Continuity (VCC) must be used instead of current handovers. Implementing and maintaining the separate IMS core will create substantial expenses. We must, however, remember that the IMS core will probably be used for other packet

traffic in the future too. The third option is the Unlicensed Mobile Access / Generic Access Networks (UMA/GAN) based approach. This is a solution that has been standardized by the 3GPP for GAN such as Wi-Fi or WiMAX to integrate their traffic to the UMTS via a GAN Controller (GANC) which will provide a standard Iu interface towards the UMTS CN. 7

In the femtocell UMA/GAN based solution the UMA/GAN client is not integrated to the UE like in traditional solutions using UMA for the radio link. There’s no need for an extra transceiver in the UE and existing handsets are served. In this case the UMA/GAN client is integrated in the femtocell. The femtocell has to have the functionalities of both the NodeB and the RNC when it connects to the MSC via the GANC. It is possible for the femtocell to negotiate handovers with the MSC. For operators that already provide UMA services, this option is relatively easy to implement.

2.4 Current devices and deployments. There are several companies developing femtocell solutions at the moment. The companies can be

manufacturers like Alcatel Lucent, Huawei, Motorola, Samsung and Nokia Siemens Networks. Second, the companies specialized to femtocells, like ip.access, Ubiquisys and Radioframe. Most of these companies have a specified femtocell solution available. Some companies like Nokia Siemens Networks are more concentrated on offering a femtocell gateway solution, which could be used to connect standard femtocells from different vendors to the network. Currently WCDMA 3G is the dominating technology for radio access in femtocell development, although there are solutions based also on 2G GSM and CDMA. Most vendors have a solution that provides an Ethernet connection for IP backhaul but many have models also including a DSL modem. Femtocell manufacturing is based on co-operation of many suppliers. British company picoChip is specialized on manufacturing a femtocell solution on a single-chip. Their product is a solution for 3GPP WCDMA standard femtocells and it supports both HSDPA and HSUPA. The chip includes a 400Mhz ARM processor for processing and it includes an interface for connecting common mobile phone radios. Ethernet and full security features are supported for backhaul. The same chip is used in femtocells made by companies Ubiquisys, Alcatel Lucent and Motorola.

3 The 3G Home NodeB In this thesis, the femtocell architecture we mainly concentrate on is the 3G Home NodeB (HNB) solution specified in the 3GPP standards. In the beginning of this chapter, the status of HNB standardization is described (Section 3.1). Section 3.2 presents the architecture specified in the 3G HNB standards. Even though the standards specify a certain architecture there are still different configurations available for deployment. These configurations are discussed in Section 3.3. Section 3.4 introduces the most important technical requirements related to the 3G HNBs and their deployment in the near future. Chapter 3 will also end with a chapter summary in Section 3.5.

3.1 Status of standardization The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) is setting the standards on the 3G Home NodeBs. The industry group Femto Forum is playing a key role in making and promoting joint agreements and proposals even though the actual standards are set in the 3GPP meetings. The 3GPP started a femtocell feasibility study in March 2007. This raised proposals from manufacturers such as Alcatel-Lucent, Nokia Siemens Networks

Motorola and Huawei. The feasibility study was completed at a 3GPP RAN plenary meeting held May 30th 2008 and the reference architecture for the Home NodeB was agreed on. The agreed architecture is based on a UMA/GAN based joint submission by Kineto, NEC and Motorola blended with an approach by Alcatel-Lucent. The UMA/GAN architecture is the last one of the three options we already described in Section 2.3. The feasibility study is described in the 3GPP Technical Report (TR) 25.820 [12] which is a part of UMTS release 8. Its main purpose is to determine the HNB feasibility and to outline possible obstacles. It defines the basic architecture and characterizes the different RF- and interference issues and lists the mobility and access control scenarios. Some of the requirements are also listed. However, it has to be reminded that they are not yet complete.

3.2 Architecture This section deepens the overall architecture description of the 3G UMTS network we already discussed in Section 2.2. Here we present the new network elements and interfaces specified in the 3GPP standards and discussed in the previous section. We also look in to the different possible UTRA deployment configurations.

3.2.1 New network elements The new essential network elements in the femtocell solution are the femtocell, itself, known here as the 3G Home NodeB (HNB), the 3G Home NodeB Gateway (HNB GW), Security Gateway (SeGW) and the 3G Home NodeB Management System (HMS). These new elements will be introduced and discussed in this section. This section also introduces the interface called Iu-h defined in the 3GPP HNB standards. The Iu-h interface operates between the HNB and the HNB GW. Home NodeB The 3G Home NodeB is the device that is installed to the user premises, serving as a femtocell. The HNB is able to operate with 4 to 8 existing UEs and offer them the same services as if they were operating under a regular NodeB. The device is low cost and relatively small in size and can be installed to the user’s home or office to the location he/she chooses. The operator has no exact control of the location. The HNB is powered from the user’s electric network using most likely an external power adapter. Home NodeB Gateway The Home NodeB Gateway is the device used to connect the HNBs to the UMTS network. It’s needed because it has been agreed not to use the standard Iu-b interface for the

to the HNB. The HNB-GW concentrates connections from a large amount of femtocells. The new Iu-h interface is used between HNB and HNB-GW. HNB-GW is

connected the CN using

the standard Iu interface and the network sees it as a standard RNC. The HNB-GW can be located anywhere at the operators premises. Iu-h interface The Iu-h is the interface between the HNB and HNB-GW. Iu-h provides transport for the control and user plane messages. RANAP user adaptation (RUA) is used over Iu-h to provide transparent transfer for the RANAP messages and another control plane protocol called the Home NodeB Application Protocol (HNBAP) is as well introduced. HNBAP is used to carry the HNB specific control information between the HNB and HNB-GW. transport is also provided for the Iu user plane protocol layer, which is

terminated at the

CN, not at the HNB-GW. The Iu-h interface is tunneled over the residential internet connection of the customer and over the public internet. Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) over IP is used to carry the control plane protocols. In the user plane Real Time Protocol (RTP) is used for real time services such as, voice and video calls, and GPRS User Data Tunneling Protocol (GTP-U) for packet data transport. UDP over IP is used for the lower layer transport. All this is carried over an encrypted IPsec tunnel. Home NodeB Management System The Home NodeB Management System (HMS) uses an interface based on the TR-069 standards widely used in DSL modem and DVB set-top-box management and updates. The management system sends the configuration data to the HNB and helps the HNB in HNBGW and SeGW discovery. It can also initiate HNB software updates and perform HNB

verification. Security Gateway The Security Gateway (SeGW) is a logical element which can be physically implemented separately or as an integrated solution with the HNB-GW. SeGW terminates the IPSec tunnels for TR-069 and Iu-h protocols and acts as a firewall between the operator’s core network elements and the public internet.

3.2.2 Functionality The HNB architecture and the elements differ from the standard UTRAN configuration, thus does their functionality too. The things usually handled by the NodeB are divided between the HNB and HNB-GW. The functional split between the devices is specified in the Release 8 TS 25.467 which specifies the UTRAN architecture. Because the HNB itself is the part which actually contains the radio and is located near the user, it has main responsibility on radio resource and RAB management tasks. It’s in

admission control and together with the CN it manages the RAB establishments, modifications and releases. Security functions on the air interface, like ciphering, are also managed by the HNB with CN managing the key.

3.3 Deployment configurations There are some optional configurations in the 3G HNB architecture. The options can be chosen by the operator considering both the business case and also the technology and RFrequirements. In this section we will have a look at the different access policies, whether to grant open access to all users of the macro layer network or to limit the HNB services to a closed subscriber group. We will look at the possibilities of allocating a dedicated channel for the HNB or using a common channel with the macro layer. Lastly we’ll discuss the options of using dynamic or pre-set maximum transmit power for the HNB.

3.4 Operation and requirements 3.4.1 Installation and management The HNB installation is done by the customers most of whom are non-technical people. The installation process must be straightforward and automatic. Even then the operator needs to have some means of technical support just to tell which wires are plugged where. There might be different device types connecting either to Ethernet or with an integrated DSL or cable modem. The progress of the installation can be indicated with a series of LED’s showing up when each step is working. With the help of these lights problems can be determined when a customer calls the helpdesk and reports the status of these lights.

3.4.2 Backhaul and local IP access The best effort consumer grade DSL or cable modem connection doesn’t offer any guaranties. The backhaul connection should offer enough capacity to handle the throughput of 4 to 8 users. It’s stated in TS 22.011 Chapter 8 that the backhaul traffic including

and overhead for 4 simultaneous CS voice calls or emergency calls, shall not exceed 200kbps. Theoretically, if a single user is using for instance the 10800 kbps fifteen code HSDPA bearer there are no HSDPA codes left for other users on the same carrier and the required throughput on the backhaul is 10,8 Mbps plus IP and tunneling headers. This is achievable on the common consumer grade DSL connections available today.

3.4.3 Requirements for the handsets The HNB must provide service for legacy handsets from Release 99 onwards. Release 8 handsets will have additional features for HNB use. The UE registration process is specified separately in TS 25.467 for pre Rel-8 UEs and Rel-8 UEs. The difference is that in Rel8 both the UE and HNB support the CSG. In Rel-8 it’s possible to for the UE to know when it’s using the CSG HNB service and a different billing scheme. This information can be displayed to the user and can also be used to trigger data transfers such as automatic backups and updates.

3.4.4 Security and charging Security is an important issue in all mobile phone networks. Users need to be authenticated to make sure no-one else can use their identity and that the correct user is charged for

3.4.5 Requirements for the transmitter and the receiver A maximum transmit power for HNBs in the order of 20dBm is considered in the 3GPP technical report TR 25.820. The 3GPP study shows that transmit powers of this magnitude ensure that the radiated power density level for general population exposure will not be a limiting factor [12]. The value of 20dBm, when transmit diversity is not used, is specified as the maximum transmit power for a Home BS class transmitter in Release 8 TS 25.104 [5]. When transmit diversity is used the maximum value is 17dBm.

3.4.6 Mobility and handovers HNBs will increase the amount of total cells and decrease the average cell size substantially. For seamless service, the UEs need to be able to move between HNBs and macro layer cell service. Cell reselection and handovers need to be implemented to and from HNBs. All types of handovers do not need to be available. It is possible for instance to handover all calls leaving a HNB coverage area to 2G. This is not yet fully specified in the 3GPP standards. Mobility and handover issues in femtocell service are discussed further in Chapter.

4 Co-operation with Macro Layer Femtocells will be used in co-operation with the macro layer network. They will provide additional rural and indoor coverage and improved capacity by better spatial reuse of spectrum. It’s clear that a single static femtocell user (FUE) will experience good network performance because of the short distance to the serving cell. However, for efficient operation a femtocell must really be integrated to the network. Terminals need to be able to move between femto- and macrocell service without noticeable problems. Sharing the same radio resources without any planning on the femtocell deployment side creates problems that need to be solved. The increased number of cells causing interference is especially an issue when the macro and femto layers are in co-channel operation. Cochannel operation is essential to many operators to achieve maximum gain out of spatial reuse. Moreover, when the femtocells are in co-channel CSG mode there are a number of interference scenarios that need to be carefully investigated to mitigate problems. In this chapter we will first introduce the results of studies by the 3GPP and Femto Forum on different worst case interference scenarios (Section 4.1). The likelihood of these scenarios and possible mitigation techniques are also evaluated. Section 4.2 explains the terminal mobility between femto- and macrocells and the different possible femto - macro handover implementations. A short chapter summary is presented, as always, in Section 4.3.

4.1 Interference The Femto Forum [24] and 3GPP [12] have studied many femtocell to macrocell, macrocell to femtocell and femtocell to femtocell interference scenarios. These studies have been particularly focused on the co-channel operation because of its importance. The

adjacent channel selectivity of 33dB in terminals is enough to prevent the most extreme interference scenarios if the femtocells are on a dedicated carrier. In this thesis we are not going to go through the calculations already done in the previous studies. However, the results and the likelihood of the most important co-channel scenarios are explained to provide a clear view of what’s important to understand in the following 24

chapters when discussing performance and the simulation results of the thesis. It needs to be pointed out that these are all worst case scenarios and their likelihood to occur is small.

4.1.1 Interference in WCDMA UMTS UMTS uses Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) as a multiple access method. In WCDMA a large amount of users use the same frequency channel, known as a carrier. Most operators are currently using only a single carrier for both downlink and a corresponding carrier for uplink in their macro layer operation. In WCDMA, the different transmissions on a single carrier are separated by using orthogonal scrambling and spreading codes. Different NodeBs and different UEs use different scrambling codes to separate their transmissions. Spreading codes are used to separate different physical layer channels in a single nodes transmission. When the scrambling and spreading codes are known in the receiving end, the wanted channel can be separated from all other channels. The separation is described by Processing Gain (PG). The calculation process done to separate the channels can raise the channels signal level by the amount of PG. Value of PG can be calculated from the ratio of the

WCDMA chip rate

W (a known network parameter, usually 3,84 Mchips/s for UMTS) and the air interface bit rate of the channel R [37]. 10 log?⎜W ⎜ ⎜ ⎜R ⎜

Transmission sent with other scrambling codes than the code of the channel we want to receive, in other words transmission from other users or other than the serving NodeB,

noise in the receiver. Spreading codes are orthogonal and in an ideal situation, different channels sent with different spreading codes but same scrambling code, do not create interference. In reality, where the spreading codes do not stay perfectly orthogonal due to multipath propagation between the transmitting and receiving end, some interference exists between the different channels.

Power control is an important issue in WCDMA. When multiple nodes are transmitting on the same channel and other transmission can be seen as noise, it is important to keep the transmission powers as low a possible. Thus, power control is implemented in WCDMA. In UMTS WCDMA, two power control methods are used. Open loop power control is used to set the initial uplink and downlink transmission powers when accessing the network, and fast closed loop power control is used to maintain the given Signal to Interference and Noise Ratio (SINR) by exchanging power control information at a frequency of 1500Hz. Fast power control keeps the transmission powers as low as possible in each situation, hence limiting the interference caused to other transmissions to the minimum.

4.1.2 Macro NodeB Downlink interference to FUE RX In this scenario it is assumed that a receiving FUE is close to a window and a fully loaded macro NodeB is in LOS with the window. The FUE is at the cell edge of the femtocell and the femtocell coverage is limited by the strong macro DL power. This scenario is marked as scenario 4 in the 3GPP studies [12] and as scenario A by the Femto Forum [24]. The likelihood of this scenario is relatively low but it will eventually happen to thousands of users and the femtocell service will be severely impacted. We must, however, remember that in this case the customers can achieve excellent macro cell service. The only issues are that the femtocell becomes almost useless and if a user has a calling plan limited to the femtocell zone, his/hers zone becomes very small. The Femto Forum study suggests that a mechanism to identify the femtocells placed very close to macro NodeBs should be implemented. In addition, a money back guarantee in this situation, would probably satisfy the users.

4.1.3 Femto UE Interference to Macro NodeB Uplink Here it is assumed that a transmitting FUE is close to a window and a macro NodeB is in LOS with the window. If the FUE is at the cell edge of the femtocell and transmitting at full power, then FUE TX power will cause a large amount of interference in the macro NodeB receiver. This scenario is marked as scenario 1 in [12] and as scenario D in [24].

Due to the close proximity of the macro NodeB, this scenario is not extremely relevant. The uplink noise rise will most likely be less than the downlink noise rise. The femtocell downlink will be limited due to the small distance between the femtocell and the macro NodeB. The femtocell range will be so badly impaired that the FUE transmitter is not likely to cause considerably strong interference at the macro NodeB receiver.

4.1.4 Macrocell Uplink interference to femtocell RX In this scenario a femtocell is located inside a building in an area where there is a weak macrolayer indoor coverage. A terminal using high TX power due to the weak macro NodeB signal (MUE) is located in the same room next to the femtocell. Another terminal (FUE) is using the femtocell at the same time. This scenario is marked as scenario 3 in the 3GPP studies [12] and as scenario B by the Femto Forum [24]. This scenario is only relevant when CSG access is used in the femtocell and MUE is not part of the allowed group. The impact of the scenario is dependent on the femtocell receiver capabilities. An extended dynamic range of the receiver will ensure that the MUE transmitting at full power doesn’t block the femtocell receiver in the same room. In the Femto Forum studies a blocking level of 2 meters with new dynamic range requirements is described. This leads to a very low overall probability for the blocking to occur.

4.1.5 Femtocell Downlink interference to MUE RX A femtocell is located inside a building in an area where there is a weak macrolayer indoor coverage. A terminal using the weak macro NodeB signal (MUE) is located in the same room next to the femtocell. The femtocell has possibly many users and it’s downlink is fully loaded. This scenario is marked as scenario 2 in the 3GPP studies [12] and as scenario C by the Femto Forum [24]. The femtocell transmitting at full power is causing interference to the MUE receiver, thus creating a hole in macrolayer coverage around the femtocell. The holes will only be a serious problem in the CSG case described in the previous subsection. It’s shown in the

Femto Forum study that adaptive power control for the maximum transit power and pilot power are needed to avoid this problem. Other possible mitigation technique is to handover the MUE to another carrier or RAT. The interference in this scenario will also lower the co-channel macro capacity inside and possibly outside of the building in question. The lowered capacity is not a serious problem due to the possible hundredfold areal capacity increase offered by the femtocells.

4.2 Mobility To provide good Quality of Experience (QoE) in mobile telecom networks the users need to be able to seamlessly move inside the network and still be available to make, sustain and receive calls and data sessions. This includes cell re-reselections and a functioning paging scheme while moving in idle mode and handovers between cells while a call is in progress. The normal cell re-selection and handover procedures in UMTS are triggered when there is another cell available with a signal level exceeding the currently used by a pre-configured threshold. This is the main principle with femtocells also, but there are certain situations that need to be avoided. In addition, scalability raises issues in the current mechanisms due to the very large possible number of femtocells. In idle mode the UE periodically measures the Ec/Io of the Primary Common Pilot Channel (PCPICH) and listens to the physical Paging Indicator Channel (PICH) for possible paging messages. Pilot signals of the neighbors are measured too and if there is a cell with a better Ec/Io the UE starts to listen that cell. When a location area border is crossed a location area update is sent to the network. This mechanism is to avoid sending paging messages to the whole network. The size of the location area is a tradeoff between paging traffic in the network downlink and power consumption of the UE.

5 Network performance In this chapter we will evaluate the theoretical aspects of femtocells’ impact on performance and how it could be predicted. The aim of this chapter is also to provide a significant amount of background information to help understand the setup and results of the simulations presented in chapters 6 and 7. Section 5.1 briefly presents some basic radio propagation theory. Using that theory we then show by some calculations in Section 5.2 how cell size affects to the network performance. The key performance indicators to analyze improvements brought by femtocells are discussed in Section 5.3. Finally, Section 5.4 summarizes the chapter.

5.1 Radio propagation theory In a mobile telecommunications network the distances and the dimensions of the radio propagation environment are very large compared to the used wavelength. This makes it possible to model the propagation as rays instead of waveforms. A simple equation can be presented for the propagation loss in free space. In terms of transmitted and received power G G λ2 P

(4 π d ) Where P and P are the received and transmitted powers, respectively. RX

the antenna gains, d is the distance between the receiving and transmitting station and λ = c/ f is the wavelength, where c is the speed of light and f is the frequency.

5.2 Cell size impact to the performance Network performance and the available capacity are closely related to the signal level and noise, namely Signal to Noise and Interference Ratio (SINR). As we learned in Section 4.1, in WCDMA systems, all transmissions to and from other users can be seen as noise. Theoretical maximum link capacity in an Average White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel can be derived from the Shannon capacity theorem. When also the interference from other users is considered as White Gaussian Noise, the maximum theoretical throughput for a radio link is.

5.3 Performance indicators To be able to see what we gain by adding femtocells to a mobile telecom network we need a set of indicators to monitor. There are numerous ways to evaluate a network’s performance. Measurements can provide raw numeric data like throughput values and error rates. In addition, quality can be evaluated on a more humane level by measuring Quality of Experience (QoE). The traditional Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for mobile telecommunication networks, including call success and drop rates, service availability, signal strength and quality, call setup times, data connection setup times and throughputs cannot be investigated in the this thesis, because many of these cannot be known until the actual physical

limits of devices are

tested. The indicators we cannot measure are very much related to achieved quality and radio environment error rates. Possible problems in the backhaul and the new interfaces and network elements cannot either be predicted. Instead of modeling everything we concentrate on the limitations of the radio interface and the enhanced capacity gained by introducing a large number of small cells and creating good indoor coverage. The KPIs of this thesis are capacity and coverage. Coverage is estimated by looking at the received pilot channel strengths and capacity is estimated by evaluating throughputs and gained by means of simulation in chapters 6 and 7.

SINR. The results are

Conclusions Progress of the thesis The original scope of this thesis was to introduce the concept of femtocells and report the current status of the technology and standards, so that possible problems in femtocell deployment to 3G networks could be studied. It was also pointed out that the gained performance is an important issue when femtocell feasibility is evaluated. A key question: “What will be the effect on the total network performance when using femtocells together with the current network elements?”, was set. After the thesis subject had been decided, a wide literature study was performed to deeply understand the femtocell concept and to select the important issues that needed to be included in this thesis. It was seen early on, how the numerous previous studies, mostly whitepapers, mainly concentrated on the femtocell business aspects and the few more technical studies were very theoretical. There was a clear need for some simulations in an environment closer to live network planning.

Key findings In this thesis, the concept of femtocells was introduced. An overview of the main challenges was presented to the reader. The standards and architectural overview of 3

Generation Partnership Project’s (3GPP) femtocell solution Home NodeB (HNB) were presented. It was shown that the standard and the key technology elements are ready for vendors and operators to go forward with pilot projects and large scale UMTS femtocell rollouts, if so decided.